Comparisons. Authentic voices.
Video invites empathetic and considered responses, offering an entrance to
more complex issues.
Progressive video and documentary
Journalism: What Now? with Ulrik Haagerup
Ulrik Haagerup left a storied journalism career and founded The Constructive Institute to “change the global culture” of journalism. Journalism for tomorrow needs to move past a crooks and victims mentality to offering solutions and nuance and engaging communities. Watch the video here.
Beyond Traditional Journalism with Orla Borg
Constructive journalism always starts with a problem, but offers much more than just a description or taking down the bad guys, deeply engaging the community in creating solurionts, looking towards the future. Watch the video here.
Journalism and Community with TV2's Nanna Holst
“Whose agenda is the most important – is it the media’s agenda or the people’s agenda?”, asks TV2’s Nanna Holst. “If we are not there for the people, why should they care?” Listening and engagement are at the heart of the constructive journalism movement. Watch the video here.
Journalism for Tomorrow
Journalism is in crisis, losing public trust, funding and audiences – what can be done? Can a renewed focus on solutions, nuance and community in Constructive Journalism mend the media? Watch the video here.
Doing Politics Differently: Community Campaigning in Victoria
After an unprecedented result for community campaigners at the latest federal election, Jack Meehan looks inside four leading Victorian community campaigns. Watch the video here.
Media Diversity in Australia
What stands out when looking at journalism in Australia? Australia has one of the most concentrated news-media industries in the world. What can be done? Jack Meehan speaks with Erik Jensen, Editor-in-Chief at Schwartz Media and Corinna Hente, Sub-Editor at the Saturday Paper. Watch the video here.
Interview with Guardian Australia's media correspondent
Amanda Meade has written about her peers for over twenty years, now with a weekly column, The Daily Beast, and more, for the Guardian.
How does she do it? “It’s a fine line”
Find out more about how Amanda keep this “delicate balance” in this job she loves.. Watch the video here.
Getting off gas. What is the plan?
Gas is just too expensive says energy researcher Tim Forcey. Heat pumps – going electric – will drop our bills and our emissions. And to get to net zero “we have to get gas out of 350 Victorian homes every single working day. What is the plan?” Watch the video here.
Questions on the Gas-fired Recovery with Bruce Robertson
IEEFA energy finance analyst Bruce Robertson discusses the way the gas industry is trying to get more public finance to prop up a failing market, and how we could accelerate our exit from gas. Watch the video here.