About me

Fresh perspectives

Hi! I have just majored in Journalism and Screen Production in my Media & Communication degree, and I’m currently undertaking a double Masters in Journalism and International Relations at Monash University.  I have a keen interest in political commentary, video production and content creation.

My story Australia’s gas-fired recovery: Does it stack up? was chosen as the winner of The Junction’s Constructive Journalism: Making a Difference 2020 Project. You can check out some interviews from the Fellowship here, here and here

I am very grateful for the support from the Department of Media and Communication at Swinburne University of Technology, The Judith Neilson Institute, the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia and the Constructive Institute, and the Constructive Institute in Denmark.

To date, most of my work has been focused on energy, the environment and transparency in governance, advocating for a liveable climate future. I have a keen interest in documentary and short-form video, working hard to learn skills to convey nuance, positive solutions and engage audiences.

It’s time for young voices to be heard.

My skillsets are:

  • Writing
  • Video Production
  • Audio Production
  • Photojournalism

You can download my CV here.


Journalism PORTFOlIO

A fresh perspective on energy, environment and social justice issues

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Link to Video page
Link to Texts page